Artist & WorksBoard

Kong Sunghun

  • 관훈갤러리 /
  • 날짜 2021.05.11 /
  • 조회수 3,486 /



출생 1965. 인천광역시

사망 2021. 1. 11.


1994 서울대학교 대학원 서양학과

1991 서울산업대학교 전자공학과 학사

1987 서울대학교 서양화과 학사


성균관대학교 예술대학 미술학과 교수 역임



2024  관훈갤러리, 서울

2012  파도, OCI 미술관서울

2011  말 못할 속사정서울,

2010  겨울여행신세계 갤러리서울

2009  공성훈 초대전아리랑 갤러리부산

        겨울풍경아트포럼 뉴게이트서울

2008  근린자연(近隣自然), 대안공간 풀서울

2007  교외여가아트포럼 뉴게이트서울

2005  벽제의 밤아트포럼 뉴게이트서울


주요 단체전

2013  미적범주우민아트센터청주

2012  韓畵流 韓國當代繪畫국립대만미술관타이페이

        ()가능한 풍경플라토서울

        플레이그라운드아르코 미술관서울

2011  서울도시탐색전서울시립미술관서울

        이미지의 수사학서울시립미술관서울

        부산익숙한 도시 낯선 장소신세계갤러리 센텀시티부산

        사유의 방, OCI 미술관서울

        The Spectrum of Contemporary Korean Art, 카오슝미술관카오슝

2010  젊은 모색 1981-2010, 국립현대미술관 과천관과천


        Made in Popland, 국립현대미술관 과천관과천

        21 & Their Times, 금호미술관서울

        한국드로잉 30: 1970-2000, 소마미술관서울

2009  My Way, My Works, 빛 갤러리서울

        박하사탕국립현대미술관 과천관과천

2008  양평환경미술제, MANAS 아트센터양평

        Contemporary Kaleidoscope: Art in Korea Today, Central House of Artist, 모스크바

        만추의 삼중주 – 김춘수정종미공성훈아트포럼 뉴게이트서울

        오래된 미래서울시립미술관 남서울분관서울

2007  한국현대미술 중남미 순회전박하사탕산티아고현대미술관/아르헨티나국립미술관산티아고부에노스아이레스

         FAST BREAK, PKM 갤러리북경

2006  미디어아트 전시_ Homo-Eco-Ludens, 주안미디어문화축제주안역 광장인천

        두 도시 이야기 CAFE 1, 부산비엔날레부산시립미술관부산


2013 국립현대미술관 올해의 작가상





국립현대미술관 미술은행과천한국





담배 피우는 남자(절벽)  캔버스에 유채  227.3×181.8cm  2013


폭포  캔버스에 유채  181.8×227.3cm  2013


흐린 하늘  캔버스에 유채  227.3×181.8cm  2013



흰머리  캔버스에 유채  227.3×181.8cm  2012



Gong Sung-hoon

Born in 1965. Incheon Metropolitan City
Death on January 11, 2021.

1994 Graduate School of Seoul National University Western Studies
1991 Bachelor of Electronic Engineering, Seoul National University of Technology
1987 Bachelor of Western Painting, Seoul National University

Professor of Fine Arts at Sungkyunkwan University

Solo Exhibitions

2014  Wind, and Ocean, Arario Gallery, Cheonan, KR
        In the Scene, Shinsegae Gallery, Incheon, Busan KR
2012  Sea, OCI Museum, Seoul, KR
2011  Just Couldn’t Say, Ggul, Seoul, KR
2010  Winter Travel, Shinsegae Gallery, Seoul, KR
2009  Kong, Sung-Hun, Arirang Gallery, Busan, KR
        Winter Landscape, ArtForum NewGate, Seoul, KR
2008  Neighboring Nature, Alternative Space Pool, Seoul, KR
2007  Suburbs, Leisure, ArtForum NewGate, Seoul, KR
2005  A Night at Byukje, ArtForum NewGate, Seoul, KR


Two-Person Exhibitions

2012  Kong, Sung-Hun and Kim, Seong-Ryoung, Moon & Park Gallery, Busan, KR
2009  Ryu, Yong-Moon and Kong, Sung-Hun, TJH Gallery, Seoul, KR
2008  High Light-The Message of Light: Kong Sung-Hun, Han Young-Ho, UNC Gallery, Seoul, KR
2002  Not So Smooth: Midori Mitamura x Sung-Hun Kong, Shiseido Gallery, Tokyo, JP
1991  Installation by Two Artists, Kwanhoon Gallery, Seoul, KR

Selected Group Exhibitions
2013  Aesthetic Category, Woomin Art Center, Chungju, KR
2012  Korean Painting Now, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, TW
        This is K-Pop Art, Sejong Center for the Performing Arts, Seoul, KR
        (Im)Possible Landscape, Plateau, Seoul, KR
        The 2nd IPAP: Sea of Peace, Incheon Art Platform, Incheon, KR
        Playground, Arko Art Center, Seoul, KR
        Jindo-Sori, Shinsegae Gallery, Seoul & Gwangju, KR
        Diagnostic Mind 1: Catastrophe, Dongdaemun Design Plaza Event Hall, Seoul, KR
2011  Seoul, City Exploration, Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul, KR
        Rhetoric of the Images, Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul, KR
        Sea of Peace, Incheon Art Platform, Incheon, KR
        Busan, Familiar but Strange, Shinsegae Gallery, Busan, KR
        The Room of Meditation, OCI Museum, Seoul, KR
        The Spectrum of Contemporary Korean Art, Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, TW
2010  30th Anniversary of the Young Korean Artists, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Gwacheon, KR
         Inter-View, Incheon Art Platform, Incheon, KR
         Made in Popland, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Gwacheon, KR
         21 & Their Times, Kumho Museum, Seoul, KR
         Korean Avant-garde Drawing, SOMA Museum of Art, Seoul, KR
2009   Jiri Mountain, Shinsegae Gallery, Gwangju & Busan, KR
         My Way, My Works, Vit Gallery, Seoul, KR
         Blue Dot Asia 2009, Seoul Arts Center, Seoul, KR
         Peppermint Candy, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Gwacheon, KR
2008  Pre Yangpyeong Eco Art Festival 2008, MANAS Art Center, Yangpyeong, KR
        Contemporary Kaleidoscope: Art in Korea Today, Central House of Artist, Moscow, RU
        A Trio in Late Autumn, ArtForum NewGate, Seoul, KR
        Ancient Futures, NamSeoul Annex Building of Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul, KR
2007  Contemporary Art from Korea: Peppermint Candy, Santiago Modern Art Museum, CL & The National Museum of Fine Arts, AR
        Giants of Illusion, Sejong Center, Seoul, KR
        FAST BREAK, PKM Gallery Beijing, Beijing, CN
2006  Juan Media Festival, Juan Station Square, Incheon, KR
2005  Night View: from Sunset to Sunrise, Ansan Culture and Arts Center, Ansan & Daegu  Culture and Arts Center, Daegu, KR
        Blue, Gana Art Center, Seoul, KR
        The Seoul Art Exhibition 2005-Painting, Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul, KR
        The Window toward 21st Century: Incheon Art, Incheon Multiculture & Arts Center,  Incheon, KR

Gyeonggi Museum of Modern Art, KR
National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, KR
National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Art Bank, KR
Seoul Museum of Art, KR

OCI Museum, KR